82 Following


Gabriel's Inferno - Sylvain Reynard This is the single CHEEEEEESIEST book I have ever read. Oh lord. The dialogue was sickeningly CHEEEEESY! No matter how much I loved a man, if he spoke to me like Gabriel did to Julia, I would be cracking up and slapping my knee. And then, I might vomit a little in my mouth. I actually felt like parts of it (without trying) were some of the best comedic writing I've ever read!NOW, that being said, if you can TRY to get past the CHEEEEEEESE, it's actually a sweet love story. If the author would have just toned it down 3 notches with his CHEEEEESE, I might have really enjoyed this book. Instead, I feel like I need to read something else quickly so I can remind myself how REAL people speak to each other!