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Don't Forget to Remember Me

Don't Forget to Remember Me - Kahlen Aymes One thing I’ve learned about myself while reading “Don’t Forget To Remember Me” is that I’m clearly a glutton for punishment. After having torturously finished the first book “The Future of Our Past”, I still went ahead and started the sequel. “Why????????????”, I scream at myself! The writing is just SO BAD. It’s like a 5th grader’s book report: I did this. And then I did this. And I said this. And I thought this. NO FLOW. What’s worse is that the author wrote each section in 1st person perspective of the female (Julia) and male (Ryan) leads but it reads like 2 fifty year old women telling a story. It might have read better if she wrote it in 3rd person so the outdated voice wouldn’t be so annoying and would just feel more descriptive. But because I’m forced to try and believe that young 20-somethings talk/think like this, I got increasingly GROUCHY, because I know they don’t!And just like the first book, this was just DRAWN out. It was the exact same thing over and over and over and over again…chapter after chapter...SO brutal after the 500th time of the same exact interaction between Ryan & Julia. A couple times, I thought I had neglected to turn the page on my e-reader only to find that I DID turn the page…but it was the EXACT same thing as the previous page!!!*breathe*. Ok. The only reason this horribly written book doesn’t get 1 star is because the story, sadly, COULD have been entertaining. It had the potential. And as sappy as the characters were, I didn’t entirely HATE them (although Ryan is kind of an idiot). But, it’s never good if you feel like screaming throughout the book. 2 stars, barely…I stand by it…even though all the other GR reviews seem to be favorable.