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Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)

Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1) - Katie McGarry Pushing the Limits has all the makings of the perfect YA novel.Teens overcoming tragedy.Opposites attract.Trauma of the High School social ecosystem.Parents who don't understand.Equal parts angst and love.Self-discovery.And 2 lead characters, who despite their difficulties, are genuinely good people and you find yourself rooting for them and so satisfied with their HEA!For avid YA readers, this book is a treat. You'll be reminded of great YA books like "Easy" and "Slammed"/"Point of Retreat" when reading this. And Noah lands right up there with Lucas/Landon and Will Cooper as one of the best YA males you'll come to love.Pushing the Limits had me smiling at the "smart" dialogue between Noah & Echo; had me crying at the tragedies that both of them had to survive; had me beaming w/ pride at how they fought and DID survive; had me sighing at the love that ultimately blossomed between the 2 of them...Loved it. (PS - I think Harlequin Teen does it way better than its adult-counterpart)