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Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray - Brooke McKinley 3.5 stars (I’ve been stuck in 3.5-star-ville lately)Man, this book had the makings to be great. 2 hot characters, opposites attract, closeted g-man, danger, hot man-lovin’, tenderness…so, so close…Let me just say what I did really, really love about this book:So often in the M/M books I read, the 2 MC’s are so selfish in their love for each other. You rarely see that truly beautiful “I love you enough to sacrifice for you”. ([b:Protection|13181411|Protection|S.A. Reid|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1334193106s/13181411.jpg|18361682]…also a great example). But, I loved this in Danny and Miller. They found a love that was so intense they would give up themselves to protect the other. Big props.Ok, here are my issues:It must be some seriously mind-blowing sex to totally transform each of these guys. Seriously. They knew each other, what, a month? And once the sex comes into the picture, you might as well have 2 entirely different characters than what you started the book with. BogusI didn’t buy the “why” of the attraction…I get that authors love to throw in the insta-love…but what was it about Danny that Miller would throw all caution and common sense to the wind? (And, BTW, I’m not buying that Danny would so easily give in to turning on Hinestroza.)Lastly, when all was said and done, Danny started to BUG me. GET OVER IT DUDE! I know, you’re broken. I get it, you can’t see yourself changing. But his reaction to Miller in Chicago made me want to punch him in the face. The man of your dreams is in front of you wanting you and you’re pissed? Good god, boy. WAKE UP!Despite all this, honestly, I did really love Danny & Miller as a couple and I thought their time together was passionate and intense. It’s an entertaining enough read and I can totally see why so many people loved it. For me: good not great; like not love.